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Chronic Pain Treatment & Rehabilitation in Sevenoaks & Bexley

Osteopathy & Physiotherapy treatment for Chronic Pain management in Sevenoaks and Bexley.

Osteoapath providing a deep tissue massage to lower back in Bexley

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain Syndrome is a condition where pain, which is common, lasts for more than three months, that results in fatigue, and constrains your day-to-day functioning. Chronic pain meaning includes conditions where muscles and tissues take longer to heal, and are sensitive to any form of injury, resulting in prolonged periods of pain.‍

Chronic pain can have several causes that can include, medical history, genetics, nutrition intake, and lifestyle among other factors. It can be physically and mentally taxing to live with a chronic condition as it makes everyday tasks difficult.

Chronic pain, however, can be managed with medical interventions such as medication and physiotherapy, along with lifestyle changes.

Types of Chronic Pain We Can Treat

  • Osteoathritis
  • Chronic Low Back Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Pain Management & Treatment

How we can help

In most cases, chronic pain cannot be cured but can be managed well with the right kind of interventions. Physiotherapy is an effective way of managing chronic pain, where the emphasis is on lifestyle changes, exercises and relaxation, and movement improvement in the muscles, tissue, and the bones.

A Physiotherapist is a trained professional who can help chart out a treatment plan that will assist you in increasing body functions, and reducing the intensity of the chronic pain, allowing you to effectively manage the condition.

They can help manage the pain through interventions such as heat and cold therapy, massages, muscle, and joint exercises, and other forms of bodily engagement that improve movement and reduces the stress on the area impacted.‍

They can also help identify accurate measures for the illness, and assist in identifying equipment that can help manage the condition better.

Why get help early with Chronic Pain Management

  • It helps to understand the condition better, and knowing what is going on with the body always reduces stress and can help in planning the next course of treatment
  • Physiotherapists are trained professionals who teach us the best way to engage our body and improve movement and reduce stress and pain, this can assist in managing chronic pain
  • Physiotherapy is versatile and one can try out the best possible management that can range from simple exercises such as stretching to electric stimulation and hydrotherapy.
  • It can also be a good mood booster, as physiotherapy can be enjoyable after a point. Exercises can also alleviate mood which can help reduce stress.
  • It can help families and loved ones understand the condition and help educate them about the condition and make it easier for the person to go about their day-to-day activities

What to expect from the first appointment?

Whether you are seen by the Osteopath or the Physiotherapist, both first appointments will follow a similar process and you will be sent a patient intake form via email beforehand to help provide as much context as possible.

  • Case History: Your practitioner will ask you a variety of questions about your complaint. They will ask you about your current problem as well as any history for the presenting issue. They will also go through your medical history to determine if the cause of your pain may not be musculoskeletal.
  • Assessment: Once the practitioner has all the required information, they will perform a direct and focused assessment to diagnose your current issue. This will include observation of your standing/seated posture and range of movement, palpation which is the process of gently applying pressure around muscles and joints, orthopaedic tests and special tests where required such as blood pressure or respiratory examinations.
  • Treatment: Your treatment will depend upon your individual assessment however may include soft and deep tissue massage techniques, stretching and METs, taping, and spinal or joint manipulations

Exercise Prescription Software

Our focus will always be on retraining your body and looking at preventative measures to avoid reoccurrence of injuries. You will be provided with access to our digital exercise prescription software with full instructions on the range of exercise prescribed, as well as the ability to provide feedback for your practitioner as these are completed

HCPC Registration Logo showing that Apollo Clinics Physiotherapist in Sevenoaks are registered
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy showing that Apollo Clinics Physiotherapists are registered in Sevenoaks
General Osteopathic Council Logo showing that Apollo Clinics Osteopaths are registered

Discover Our Clinics

Apollo Clinics | Sevenoaks

58 Cobden Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 3UB

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Osteopathy Consult & Treatment 


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Physiotherapy Consult & Treatment 


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Sports Massage By Physio


45 minute appointment

Apollo Clinics | Bexley

17 Bourne Road, Bexley, DA5 1LW

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Osteopathy Consult & Treatment 


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Physiotherapy Consult & Treatment 


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Sports Massage By Physio


45 minute appointment

Our Specialists

Meet our team of Physiotherapists and Osteopaths working across both Bexley and Sevenoaks

Megan Hulse Sports Massage Therapist Sevenoaks and Bexley

Megan Hulse

Sports Massage Therapist
Aleena Jose Physiotherapist in Bexley Apollo Clinics

Aleena Jose

Chartered Physiotherapist
CSP Number 120525
Ralph Physiotherapist profile photo in Sevenoaks physiotherapy

Ralph Gerard

Chartered Physiotherapist
CSP Number 114394
Profile photo for Apollo Physiotherapist Tunde Adigun working in the Bexley Physiotherapy clinic

Tunde Adigun

Chartered Physiotherapist
CSP Number 101611
Profile photo for Physiotherapist Ana in Bexley wearing Apollo Clinics grey physiotherapy polo top

Ana Dulom

Chartered Physiotherapist
CSP Number 115881

Dinos Boufardeas

Registered Osteopath
GOSC Number 9523
Profile photo for Nelson Okonta Physiotherapist in Sevenoaks

Nelson Okonta

Chartered Physiotherapist
CSP Number 107986
Profile photo for Nigel Osborn Osteopath in Sevenoaks

Nigel Osborn

Registered Osteopath
GOSC Number 5587

Chronic Pain Treatment Q&A

If you can’t see your question answered below, please don’t hesitate to give us a call directly

Acute pain is pain that is a result of an injury to the bone, skin, or muscle as a result of an impact or accident. Acute pain doesn’t last more than three months and begins to reduce as the body begins to heal. The pain may be severe during the cause of the injury, but reduces over time and the body is restored to normalcy once the injury heals.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, maybe a result of the injury, but results in pain that lasts longer than three months, and varies in intensity every time. Depending on the cause of the chronic pain, bodily responses may be mild to severe and varied in time and environment. External factors such as air and water quality, sleep patterns, food intake changes, and failure to continue medication can result in chronic pain and it varies in severity.

What causes chronic pain?
  • Heat and cold treatments to reduce the stiffness and pain, especially with joint problems such as arthritis
  • Physical and occupational therapy including targeted massage
  • Exercise to reduce spasticity, joint contractures, joint inflammation, spinal alignment problems, or muscle weakening and shrinking to prevent further problems
How can I help to manage Chronic Pain myself?

An initial consultation will be 45 minutes in total, which typically will include 15 minutes for consultation followed by 30 minutes for treatment and advice. The price for a first appointment is currently £60. A single session of follow up treatment will also be £60 however it is also possible to book a package of 6 sessions together which works out as £50 per session.

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